Gekizine Compass (Android) app description page


This is the description page for the Gekizine Compass app.

It has built-in location information for stations and evacuation sites in Japan, so you can find the distance and direction to the nearest station or evacuation site even when offline.
It is intended for use in the event of a severe disaster, especially in the event of a tsunami when every minute counts for evacuation.

Gekizine Compass - Google Play

This app consists of the following seven tabs:
Compass: This is the main screen of this app.
Nearest Target: Displays a list of registered targets.
Nearest Station: Displays a list of the nearest stations.
Evacuation Site: Displays a list of the nearest evacuation sites.
Map: Displays a map for registering targets.
Settings: Configures the overall settings of the app.
App Info: Contains app information and other functions.

Compass Page

This is the main screen of this app.
To reduce battery consumption, this screen displays only the minimum necessary information.
The icons displayed at the top represent, from left to right, the "starting point of distance measurement," the "direction sensor," and the "current location sensor."
The "starting point of distance measurement" will be described later.
The "direction sensor" and "current location sensor" will be displayed in gray if their values ​​cannot be obtained.
In that case, close the app once, turn on the current location function of your smartphone, and then start the app.

The buttons on the left side display the "switch goal," "add goal," "delete goal," and "settings" dialogs, from top to bottom.

Settings dialog

Press ⚙️ to display the settings dialog.
You can change the compass update interval and font size.
For values, use the slider, increase or decrease with +-, enter the minimum and maximum values ​​with ←→, or enter the value directly.
The icon between ← and → resets the value to the initial value.

Nearest Goal Page

Lists registered goals in order of distance from the current location.
Long press each goal to display a menu and jump to the map.

Settings Dialog

You can change the font size.

Nearest Station Page

Lists stations in Japan in order of distance from the current location.
There are over 10,900 stations, and constant searches and screen updates consume battery power.
When you press and hold a station, a menu will appear, so we recommend that you register it as a target and view it on the compass page.
The buttons on the left side are assigned the functions "increase the number of stations displayed by 1", "decrease the number of stations displayed by 1", and "settings", from top to bottom.

Settings dialog

You can change the maximum number of stations displayed, the update interval, whether to display closed stations, and the font size.
If you increase the update interval, the number of searches will decrease, which will slightly reduce battery consumption.
Closed stations are determined by comparing the closure schedule data at the time of the app release with the current date and time of your smartphone.
Therefore, please understand that it is possible for a station to be determined as closed even if it is not closed, or vice versa.

Evacuation site page

Evacuation sites in Japan are listed in order of distance from the current location.
To be precise, they are called "designated emergency evacuation sites", and their locations are determined by each local government.
Each evacuation site is different in terms of which disasters it is suitable for. This app uses emojis to show which disasters the evacuation site is suitable for.
Since there is no defined emoji to represent the disaster itself, we use emojis that are reminiscent of the disaster.
"🚣": Flood
Emoji of a person rowing a boat.
"⛰️": Cliff collapse, debris flow, landslide
Emoji of a mountain.
"🏄️": High tide
Emoji of a person surfing.
"🌏️": Earthquake
Emoji of the earth.
"🌊": Tsunami
Emoji of a wave.
"🔥": Large-scale fire
Emoji of fire.
"🕳️": Inland flooding
Emoji of a manhole.
Inland flooding refers to the phenomenon in which rainwater overflows from sewers and other sources, causing flooding.
"🌋": Volcanic phenomenon
This is an emoji for a volcano.
"⛺": Designated evacuation shelter
This is an emoji for a tent.
"Designated evacuation shelters" are places where evacuees can live temporarily, and are determined by each local government.
The term is similar to "designated emergency evacuation site," but its purpose is different.
This app does not have data on "designated evacuation shelters," but this emoji will only be displayed if the coordinates are the same as those of a "designated emergency evacuation site."

There are over 113,500 evacuation shelters, and the app consumes battery power as it constantly searches and updates the screen.
If you press and hold an evacuation shelter, a menu will appear, so we recommend that you register it as a target and view it on the compass page.
The buttons on the left side are assigned the functions "Increase the number of evacuation sites by 1", "Decrease the number of evacuation sites by 1", and "Settings", from top to bottom.

Settings dialog

You can narrow down the disaster type, change the upper limit of evacuation sites to display, update interval, and font size.
As mentioned above, the appropriate evacuation site varies depending on the type of disaster.
By narrowing down the disaster type, you can exclude evacuation sites that are not suitable for that disaster from the search target.

Map page

This is a map for registering targets.
It consumes data communication and battery, so it is not recommended to use it during a disaster.
The nearby stations and evacuation sites are displayed as pins from the center of the displayed map.
Tap a pin to display information about that station and evacuation site. Press and hold to open the dialog to add to the target.
The buttons on the right side are assigned the following functions from top to bottom: "Rotate map so that the top of the screen is true north", "Rotate map right", "Rotate map left", "Jump to target", "Jump to current location", "Zoom in on map", "Zoom out on map", and "Settings".
Press the "Jump to current location" button twice to rotate the map according to the orientation of your smartphone.
There is no search function. If you are not sure where the target you want to register is, search for it on Google Maps and select this app by sharing.

Settings dialog

You can change the update interval for station and evacuation site pins, filter by disaster type for evacuation sites, the maximum number of station pins displayed, the maximum number of evacuation site pins displayed, whether to display closed stations, and the font size.

Settings page

Settings for the entire app.

Switching the starting point of distance measurement

The default is to show the distance and direction from the "current location".
When you switch to "target", the emoji at the top of the screen will change from "🏃Running person" to "🚩Flag", and all pages other than the compass page will show the distance and direction from the "target".
The compass page will always show the distance and direction from the current location, regardless of this setting.


You can switch between meters and yards, whether to show Japanese place names, and whether to show Roman alphabet place names.
*Roman alphabets are converted by machine. Please note that they may differ from the correct notation.

Delete data

You can delete all data other than "target" or delete only "target".
You can delete the map cache by deleting the cache in the app settings.
This app does not delete or update map data once it has been displayed.

Settings dialog

You can change the font size.

App information page

There are four tabs: App information, Contacts, Screen light, and Camera light.
The Contacts tab lists emergency numbers for Japan, as well as information and links to embassies in Japan.
The light function may be useful when you are buried under rubble after an earthquake or when you are lost in the mountains.
When using the light, you do not need to measure your current location. Please turn off measuring your current location in your smartphone settings.

Other features

You can receive shares from Google Maps, OsmAnd, and Yandex Maps and register them as targets.
Whether or not the place name can be set automatically depends on the specifications of the map app sending the data.
If the map app does not send the place name, the place name will be "Unknown".


Please check the latest information on each local government website for evacuation sites.



HomeCompass::Update Ver.1.0.4